Reducing inequality is something that all politicians even Conservatives say they are in favour of.
They even produce figures to try and demonstrate that government measures are having a positive effect.
The reality, of course, is that over the last forty years or so inequality has got worse particularly in economic terms.
Wealth gives access to things like better quality health and education leading on to employment opportunities that the poorer in our society can only dream of.
This is combined with a trend since the Thatcher years of a decline in access to things like relatively well-paying jobs and decent, affordable housing for the masses.
Put on top of that the cuts in welfare then you reach a stage where the United Nations commissions an investigation into poverty in the nation.
Liberals have a proud history of tackling inequality the Beveridge plan of the 1940s being just one notable example and we must now come up with a new Beveridge type plan for the 21st century.
Here are some ideas;
On Work and Welfare – A Universal Basic Income for those citizens who are unable to work because they can’t find a job, are unable to work due to disability or ill health or due to caring responsibilities.
This to be set at a level that actually enables people to live a reasonable standard of life.
As technology leads to less availability of work opportunities the UBI could be extended to all.
On Education – Reform of education so that every child gets the right start in life.
Investment is urgently needed in schools to reduce class sizes.
We should also look at ways to improve parents choice and involvement in their children’s education.
On Health – Build on our current policy of more funding for the NHS by also taking Adult Social Care under its umbrella.
We should also radically reform the NHS, so it is more patient centred by reducing layers of bureaucracy.
On Housing – Measures are needed to drastically increase the amount of social housing available through a mix of local
authority and housing association development.
We can only really tackle inequality by building a society where everyone gets a good education, a comfortable home and the chance to have a decent living.
At the same time a place where those who are unable to work for whatever reason get the support they need.
A country where the Health Service is from the cradle to the grave as it was when the NHS was founded back in 1948.
A Liberal vision for a Liberal nation.
* David Warren worked in Royal Mail for more than 25 years. He is now a freelance business consultant specialising in this area and a liberal.